- n. 搶奪;戰利品;掠奪品
- vt. 掠奪;搶劫;侵吞
- vi. 掠奪;盜竊
2. 本來是別人的東西,但是卻被某人強行放在自己的控制之下。
3. 漂亮的外表之下其實是一個打家劫舍的女土匪。
來自德語plundern,搶劫室內物品,來自中古高地德語plunder,室內物品,衣服,行李,家具 等。后來在17 世紀歐洲三十年戰爭期間,英國士兵把該詞引入英國。最終詞源不詳。
- plunder
- plunder: [17] Plunder is of Dutch origin, and etymologically denotes something like ‘rob of household odds and ends’. It was borrowed from Middle Dutch plunderen, which was presumably derived from the noun plunde or plunne ‘household goods, clothes, etc’, whose origins are unknown.
- plunder (n.)
- "goods taken by force; act of plundering," 1640s, from plunder (v.).
- plunder (v.)
- 1630s, from German plündern, from Middle High German plunderen "to plunder," originally "to take away household furniture," from plunder (n.) "household goods, clothes," also "lumber, baggage" (14c.; compare Modern German Plunder "lumber, trash"), which is related to Middle Dutch plunder "household goods;" Frisian and Dutch plunje "clothes." A word acquired by English via the Thirty Years War and applied in native use after the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642. Related: Plundered; plundering. Plunderbund was a U.S. colloquial word from 1914 referring to "a corrupt alliance of corporate and financial interests," with German Bund "alliance, league."
- 1. Plunder is the very nature of imperialism.
- 帝國主義的本性就是掠奪.
- 2. The thieves hid their plunder in the cave.
- 賊把贓物藏在山洞里.
- 3. The invaders plunder at no allowance.
- 侵略者大肆掠奪.
- 4. She faces charges of helping to plunder her country's treasury of billions of dollars.
- 她面臨協助侵吞數十億美元國家財產的指控。
- 5. The thieves are often armed and in some cases have killed for their plunder.
- 這些小偷常攜帶兇器,有時會為贓物殺人。