- n. 饑荒;饑餓,奇缺
- a severe famine
- 嚴重饑荒
- disasters such as floods and famine
- 水災和饑荒這一類災難
- the threat of widespread famine in the area
- 這一地區內的大范圍的饑荒威脅
- to raise money for famine relief
- 為賑濟饑荒籌款
- Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine...
- 成千上萬的難民陷于戰爭、旱災和饑荒之中。
- The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies.
- 內戰阻礙著救援機構對饑荒賑濟物資的配給。
- Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place.
- 即將發生饑荒之時, 嚴重的戰亂爆發了.
- Famine caused widespread distress.
- 饑荒引起了普遍的憂慮.
- Many people die of famine every year.
- 每年有很多人死于饑荒.
- We're collecting for the famine victims.
- 我們正在為遭受饑荒的災民募款.
- They lived through the long famine.
- 他們經歷了長久的饑荒而未死.
- Famine visited this region.
- 饑荒侵襲了這一地區.
- They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine.
- 他們決定不依靠外援來救災.
- Thousands died of famine.
- 數千人死于饑荒.
- Famine and war still afflict mankind.
- 饑餓和戰爭仍使人類遭受痛苦.
- It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis , causing catastrophic famine and disease.
- 有人曾預言地球會導致大荒災和疾病.
- They were crazed by the famine and pestilence of that bitter winter.
- 他們因那年嚴冬的饑餓與瘟疫而折磨得發狂.
- Famine stared us in the face.
- 饑荒迫在眉睫.
- We made a contribution to the famine relief fund.
- 我們給饑荒賑濟基金捐了款.
- The peasants store up the grain against famine.
- 農民們貯糧備荒.
- There was once a grievous famine in the land.
- 該國曾經發生過一次大饑荒.
- It is conservatively estimated that not less than half a million people died in the famine.
- 據保守估計,死于這場饑荒的人數不少于50萬.
- Spend a year of plenty the way you spend a year of want and remind yourself of famine even when the barn is full.
- 豐年要當歉年過,有糧常想無糧時.
- People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of a famine year.
- 人們買進大量罐頭食品以防饑荒的一年.
- Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine.
- 許多慈善機構捐款賑濟饑民。
- disasters such as floods and famine
- 水災和饑荒這一類災難
- The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies.
- 內戰阻礙著救援機構對饑荒賑濟物資的配給。
- We can deliver supplies and work to break the back of the famine.
- 我們可以運送物資,努力解決饑荒中最關鍵的問題。
- This is not another appeal for famine relief.
- 這不是為賑濟饑荒的又一次募捐。