- n. 刀,劍;武力,戰爭
- n. (Sword)人名;(英)索德
- to draw/sheathe a sword (= to take it out/put it into its cover)
- 拔劍;把劍插入鞘
- ...a candidate who's crossed swords with Labor by supporting the free-trade pact...
- 因為支持自由貿易協定而與工黨交鋒的候選人
- The fiercest of rivals, the last time they crossed swords was during the 1980s.
- 這對爭得你死我活的競爭對手的最后一次交鋒是在 20 世紀 80 年代。
- One of the swords turned into a Christian Crusader's broad sword.
- 一把彎刀轉向一把基督教的十字軍的寬劍.
- Draw the sword and throw away the scabbard.
- 準備采取堅決的行動,破釜沉舟.
- Anyone who opposes the king shall perish with the sword.
- 凡是反對國王的人都要以劍賜死.
- He drew his sword in a flash.
- 他霍地拔出劍來.
- As I fought back, he drew his sword and thrust it at me.
- 當我還手時, 他拔出劍,朝我刺來.
- The sword tipped his shoulder.
- 劍輕輕觸到他的肩.
- The defeated general showed his submission by giving up his sword.
- 戰敗將軍繳劍表示投降.
- He died distressingly by the sword.
- 他慘死于劍下.
- Stones whet a sword, difficulties strengthen willpower.
- 石頭是刀的朋友, 障礙是意志的朋友.
- The emperor unified the country by the sword.
- 那位皇帝用武力統一了全國.
- I fended off his sword thrust with my spear.
- 他一刀砍來,我拿槍架住.
- They that deny the power of the king shall die by the sword.
- 誰不服從國王,就將死于劍下.
- With a sweep of his sword he cut through the rope.
- 他用劍一揮把繩子砍斷了.
- The sword glanced off the knight's shield.
- 劍掠過武士的盾.
- A sudden glance of the sword cut his shoulder.
- 劍突然擦過,傷了他的肩膀.
- He drew his sword from its sheath.
- 他拔劍出鞘.
- The effect of his mediation was so great that both parties sheathed the sword at once.
- 他的調停非常有效,雙方立刻停戰.
- The horseman came up to Robin Hood, brandishing his sword.
- 那個騎士揮舞著劍,來到羅賓漢面前.
- The magic sword was embedded in the stone.
- 魔劍牢牢嵌在石頭里.
- She defended herself bravely with her sword.
- 她勇敢地以劍自衛.
- Gluttony kill more than the sword.
- 暴食殺人勝刀劍.
- He used a sword to try to defend his shop from a rampaging mob.
- 他拿了一把劍試圖保護自己的店不受鬧事暴徒的打砸。
- He pretended to scalp me with his sword.
- 他假裝要用劍剝下我的頭皮。
- As a Grand Prix driver, you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment.
- 作為國際汽車大獎賽的車手,隨時都有可能發生事故。
- He must fall on his sword. That's the only course left open to him.
- 他必須面對失敗,他唯有這一條路走。
- I parried, and that's when my sword broke.
- 我擋了一下,把我的劍擋斷了。
- On striking his sword on the stone, he declared himself Lord of the City.
- 在以劍身擊石之后,他宣布自己為“城之主宰”。