- n. (戰爭的)爆發;(疾病的)發作
- vi. 爆發
- the outbreak of war
- 戰爭的爆發
- an outbreak of typhoid
- 傷寒的爆發
- Outbreaks of rain are expected in the afternoon.
- 下午將有暴雨。
- The four-day festival ended a day early after an outbreak of violence involving hundreds of youths.
- 一場有數百名年輕人卷入的暴力活動發生后,為期4天的節慶活動被迫提前一天結束。
- ...the outbreak of war in the Middle East...
- 中東戰爭的爆發
- EPA issued a notice of Anhui, Chaohu outbreak of cyanobacteria may face.
- 安徽省環保局下發通知, 巢湖可能面臨藍藻暴發.
- The most recent outbreak began in two thousand two in California.
- 最近期的爆發始于2000兩次在加州.
- Yiyang , the site of the outbreak , lies next to Lake Dongting, which hosts many migratory birds.
- 爆發地 宜陽 臨近許多候鳥的聚集地洞庭湖.
- The cholera outbreak has been contained.
- 霍亂的發生已被控制住了.
- A new outbreak of smallpox occurred in 1928.
- 1928年爆發了新一輪的天花.
- The hospital ward was fumigated after the outbreak of typhus.
- 發現斑疹傷寒以后,醫院的病房進行了煙熏消毒.
- On the outbreak of the First Revolutionary Civil War, the Government called in all gold coinage and replaced it by notes.
- 在第一次國內革命戰爭爆發的時候, 政府下令收回所有的金幣,并代之以紙幣.
- The ambassador did his utmost to prevent the outbreak of hostilities.
- 這位大使竭盡全力防止戰事的爆發.
- Central authority has been progressively weakened since the outbreak of the civil war.
- 內戰爆發后,中央權威已經逐漸被削弱.
- At the outbreak of the war he lived in London.
- 戰爭爆發時他住在倫敦.
- After the outbreak of fighting, all foreign journalists were expelled.
- 戰斗開始后, 所有的外國記者都被驅逐出境.
- An outbreak of typhoid followed.
- 繼而爆發了傷寒.
- Fellowing the outbreak of the disease, several sheep and lambs were destroyed on veterinary advice.
- 那種疾病發生后, 好幾頭綿羊和羊羔已經按照獸醫的建議處理掉了.
- Experts fear that there will be new outbreak of the disease.
- 專家們擔心這種疾病會再度流行.
- the outbreak of a flu epidemic
- 流感的爆發
- Discontent among the ship's crew finally led to the outbreak of mutiny.
- 船員的不滿情緒最終釀成了暴亂。
- the outbreak of war
- 戰爭的爆發
- an outbreak of plague
- 鼠疫的爆發
- the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789
- 1789年法國大革命的爆發
- This evidence supports their contention that the outbreak of violence was prearranged.
- 這一證據證實了他們的觀點,即此次突發暴力事件是有預謀的。
- Conditions were ripe for an outbreak of cholera.
- 霍亂即將暴發。
- Fears are growing of a cholera outbreak following the appearance of a number of cases in the city.
- 該市出現幾起霍亂病例之后,人們對霍亂爆發的恐懼越來越強烈。
- Mass burials are now under way in an effort to ward off an outbreak of cholera.
- 為防止霍亂爆發正在進行大規模掩埋。
- In Peru, a cholera outbreak continues to spread.
- 霍亂在秘魯各地相繼爆發。