- adj. 熟練的;擅長…的
- n. 內行;能手
- The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers.
- 直接郵寄廣告業在特賣品的包裝方面已經變得非常熟練了。
- Kitzi was an adept at getting people to talk confidentially to him.
- 基齊很善于引導別人與其談心。
- When it comes to photography, I'm not an adept.
- 要說照相, 我不是內行.
- He is adept at getting himself out of difficult situations.
- 他善于使自己擺脫困境.
- He is adept at organization work.
- 他精于組織工作.
- Chimpanzees are adept climbers.
- 黑猩猩是熟練的攀援者.
- He is unusually adept in mathematical calculations.
- 他非常精通數學計算.
- She is adept in music.
- 她是位音樂大師.
- He was highly adept at avoiding trouble.
- 他十分善于避開麻煩.
- He is an adept mechanic.
- 他是個熟練的機械師.
- She is adept at cooking.
- 她善于烹飪.
- She is adept at needlework.
- 做針線活兒,她可是把好手.
- The author is adept in depicting vast scenes.
- 作者很善于描寫大的場面.
- He's usually very adept at keeping his private life out of the media.
- 他通常很善于使自己的私生活避開媒體的關注。
- She was also surprisingly adept at speaking without moving her lips.
- 她那技術嫻熟得叫人驚異不疊,講話時嘴唇也不動.