- n. 節約;挽救;存款
- adj. 節約的;挽救的;補償的;保留的
- prep. 考慮到;除...之外
- n. (Saving)人名;(瑞典)薩溫
- Buy three and make a saving of 55p.
- 買三件,就能節省55便士。
- With the new boiler you can make big savings on fuel bills.
- 用這種新鍋爐,能省一大筆燃料開銷。
- He put all his savings into buying a boat.
- 他用全部積蓄買了一條船。
- I opened a savings account at my local bank.
- 我在本地銀行開了一個儲蓄賬戶。
- energy-saving modifications
- 節能改裝
- labour-saving devices
- 節省人力的裝置
- space-saving fitted furniture
- 節省空間的定做的家具
- Fill in the form below and you will be making a saving of £6.60 on a one-year subscription.
- 填寫以下表格,全年訂閱即可為您節省 6.60英鎊。
- ...a program of household savings on energy use.
- 家庭節能計劃
- Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank.
- 她的錢存在郵政儲蓄銀行里。
- ...a savings account.
- 儲蓄賬戶
- I'm saving for a new car.
- 我正為買新車而存錢.
- Utterly devoted to the people, he gave his life in saving his patients.
- 他忠于人民, 把畢生精力用于挽救患者的生命.
- It is possible to premix the ore at the shipping point, thus saving time at the iron works.
- 礦石在裝運地點預先混合可給鋼鐵廠節省很多時間.
- They have thought out the effective saving.
- 他們已想出挽救的辦法.
- It will be a saving to take a short cut.
- 走捷徑能節省時間.
- He is saving a sum of money to buy a home for his family.
- 他正積蓄一筆錢以便買一幢住宅供全家居住.
- If you walk to work, you will get some exercise as well as saving money, so you'll be killing two birds with one stone.
- 如果你步行上班, 既省錢又能鍛煉身體, 這樣你將一舉兩得.
- I'm saving the sweets you gave me for later.
- 我要把你送給我的糖留到以后吃.
- I give you my profound thanks for saving my life.
- 我對您的救命之恩深表謝意.
- From saving comes having.
- 儉省是致富之本.
- This method has the advantage of saving a lot of fuel.
- 此方法有節省大量燃料的優點.
- The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child.
- 那位消防隊員在搶救孩子的過程中,表現了極大的勇氣.
- He was commended for saving a child's life.
- 他因救了一個小孩而受到表揚.
- ingenious ways of saving energy
- 節約能源的巧妙方法
- Buy three and make a saving of 55p.
- 買三件,就能節省55便士。
- Well, all right, hospitals lose money. But, on the other hand, if people are healthy, don't think of it as losing money; think of it as saving lives.
- 嗯,好吧,醫院是賠錢。但從另一個角度看,如果人們都健健康康的,就不能認為是在賠錢,而應該想成是在救死扶傷。
- It would be unwise for the government to think of privatisation as a means of saving money.
- 政府要是把私有化當作省錢之道就不明智了。