- n. 少數民族;少數派;未成年
- adj. 少數的;屬于少數派的
- Only a small minority of students is/are interested in politics these days.
- 目前,只有極少數同學對政治感興趣。
- minority shareholders in the bank
- 銀行的少數股東
- the rights of ethnic/racial minorities
- 少數民族 / 族裔的權利
- minority languages
- 少數民族語言
- a large German-speaking minority in the east of the country
- 在國家東部一個人口眾多的講德語的少數民族
- (North Amercian English)The school is 95 per cent minority (= 95 per cent of children are not white Americans but from different groups) .
- 這所學校里95%的學生來自少數族裔。
- (North Amercian English)minority neighborhoods (= where no or few white people live)
- 有色種族聚居區
- Local authority nursery provision covers only a tiny minority of working mothers...
- 當地政府提供的保育服務只有少數上班族母親才能夠享受到。
- These children are only a small minority.
- 這些孩子只是很少的一部分。
- ...the region's ethnic minorities...
- 這個地區的少數民族
- Students have called for greater numbers of women and minorities on the faculty...
- 學生要求聘請更多女教師和少數民族族裔的老師。
- The soldiers campaigned in the deserts of Iraq.
- 士兵們在伊拉克的沙漠作戰.
- She enjoys watching dance , be it ballet , national minority dancing or any other sort of dancing.
- 芭蕾舞也好,民族舞也好, 隨便什么舞她都喜歡看.
- A lot of national parks lie in the areas inhabited by minority nationality people.
- 許多國家公園都位于少數民族聚居的地方.
- The minority nationalities account for six per cent of the population.
- 少數民族占人口的百分之六.
- Boys are very much in the minority at the dancing class.
- 舞蹈班里男生占極少數.
- He is in his minority.
- 他尚未成年.
- Such persons are certainly in the minority.
- 這種人當然占少數.
- Those who protested against the president's decision were actually barking at the moon , since they were in a powerless minority.
- 由于他們屬于軟弱無力的少數,他們反對總統的決定實際上枉費唇舌.
- A minority of children are sexually active before they are in their teens.
- 少數孩子十幾歲前已有性行為.
- The minority is subordinate to the majority.
- 少數服從多數.
- The nation wants peace; only a minority want the war to continue.
- 國家要和平, 只有少數人要戰爭繼續下去.
- They are in a decided minority.
- 他們明顯于少數.
- The minority should submit to the majority.
- 少數應服從多數.
- Only a minority of British households do not have a car.
- 英國只有少數家庭沒有汽車.
- Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views.
- 只有極少數人持這樣極端的觀點。
- The government seems not to be troubled by its inconsistent policies on minority rights.
- 政府好像并不覺得其在少數民族權利問題上政策的前后不一有什么不妥。
- A minority of officers were prepared to bend the rules.
- 少數官員準備篡改規則。