- adj. 失意的,挫敗的;泄氣的
- v. 挫敗;阻撓(frustrate的過去式和過去分詞形式)
- It's very easy to get frustrated in this job.
- 這個工作很容易令人懊惱。
- They felt frustrated at the lack of progress.
- 沒有進展,他們感到懊喪。
- He stamped his foot in frustrated rage.
- 他憤懣郁積得跺腳。
- frustrated desires
- 沒有得到滿足的欲望
- a frustrated artist
- 不得志的藝術家
- These questions frustrated me...
- 這些問題讓我沮喪。
- Doesn't it frustrate you that audiences in the theatre are so restricted?
- 觀眾在劇場里要受到如此多的限制,這難道不令人惱火嗎?
- The government has deliberately frustrated his efforts to gain work permits for his foreign staff.
- 政府故意阻撓他為自己的外籍員工申請工作許可證的努力。
- ...her frustrated attempt to become governor.
- 她競選州長的受挫之舉
- He is frustrated that his work has not gone very well recently.
- 他近來工作上很不順,比比受挫.
- He frustrated his enemies in their plans.
- 他使敵人的計劃落空了.
- Children can get frustrated when they are unable to achieve realism in their drawings.
- 如果孩子們在繪畫中表現不出真實性,他們就會變得灰心喪氣.
- The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out.
- 惡劣的天氣破壞了我們出行的愿望.
- The police frustrated the bandit's attempt to rob the bank.
- 警方挫敗了匪徒搶劫銀行的企圖.
- Behind his cool exterior lurks a reckless and frustrated person.
- 在冷酷的外表背后,他是一個魯莽又不得志的人.
- The police frustrated the bandits'attempt to rob the bank.
- 警察挫敗了匪徒搶劫銀行的企圖.
- He felt extremely frustrated when things went against him.
- 形勢對他不利時,他感到非常失望.
- The enemy's plot was frustrated.
- 敵人的陰謀未能得逞.
- Both sides in the dispute appeared very frustrated at the lack of progress.
- 爭執雙方因事情毫無進展而顯得十分沮喪.
- He was frustrated by deep poverty.
- 他因赤貧而灰心喪氣.
- When I get so frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone.
- 當我非常灰心喪氣、憋著一肚子火時, 就得找人出氣.
- The team's efforts to score were frustrated by the opposing goalkeeper.
- 該隊想要進球的努力被對方的守門員挫敗了.
- The young artist was often frustrated in his ambition to paint.
- 這位年輕藝術家的繪畫抱負時常遭到挫折.
- Heavy rain frustrated out our plans for a picnic.
- 大雨使我們的野餐計劃無法實現.
- His evil designs were frustrated.
- 他的邪惡企圖未能得逞.
- He was frustrated by his poverty.
- 他因貧窮而灰心喪氣.
- It's very easy to get frustrated in this job.
- 這個工作很容易令人懊惱。
- But don't you get frustrated sometimes? I mean, don't you get a bit, you know, horny?
- 但你難道不會有時覺得不滿足嗎?我的意思是,你難道不會感到,嗯,有點欲火中燒嗎?
- Douglas plays a frustrated American everyman who suddenly loses control under the pressure of daily life.
- 道格拉斯扮演一個失意的普通美國人,他在日常生活壓力下突然失控。
- Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or frustrated.
- 我們感覺受到威脅或遭遇挫折時,生氣是正常反應。