- adj. 關著的;不公開的
- v. 關;結束;接近(close的過去分詞)
- a closed society
- 閉關自守的社會
- He has a closed mind.
- 他思想僵化守舊。
- a closed membership
- 只限于少數人的成員資格
- Keep the door closed.
- 讓門關著吧。
- The museum is closed on Mondays.
- 博物館每逢星期一閉館。
- This road is closed to traffic.
- 這條道路暫停通行。
- It was to be a closed circle of no more than twelve women...
- 它本來應該是一個不超過12名女性的封閉的小圈子。
- It is a closed society in the sense that they've not been exposed to many things.
- 他們接觸的事不多,從這一方面來說這是個封閉的社團。
- Tall. All the Stewart men are tall.
- 高. Stewart家的男人都高.
- The enrollment has closed.
- 注冊已經截止.
- Dozens of police arrived as the hoodlums closed in on him.
- 幾個惡棍逐漸將他團團圍住時,幾十個警察到了.
- The area has been declared a closed military zone.
- 這個地區已宣布為軍事禁區.
- He closed the door softly behind him.
- 他隨手輕輕地把門關上了.
- The dam must be closed before the rainy season sets in, or all our labour will be lost.
- 大壩一定要在雨季開始以前合攏, 否則就會前功盡棄.
- The works have closed for the Christmas holiday.
- 圣誕假期,這些工廠歇工了.
- The road is closed because of blasting.
- 這條道路由于有爆破作業而被關閉.
- The mines had been closed down following a geological survey.
- 繼一次地質調查之后,這些礦井已被關閉了.
- The firm closed business for the time of the holiday.
- 該商號節日期間歇業.
- The canal has been closed to shipping.
- 這條運河已對所有的船舶關閉.
- He closed his ears to anything said by his teachers.
- 他聽不進老師的話.
- She's cooked that meal so often that she can do it with her eyes closed.
- 她常做那種飯菜,所以閉著眼也能做.
- The train was crowded, but I scraped in just before the door closed.
- 火車上擁擠不堪, 但就在關門之前我強擠了進去.
- One lane is closed while they're paving the road.
- 他們封鎖了一條車道在鋪路.
- The store will be closed for an indefinite period.
- 這家商店將無限期關閉.