- n. 政治家,政客
- They have arrested a number of leading opposition politicians.
- 他們已經逮捕了數名反對黨領袖。
- That politician is always triming.
- 那個政客老是采取騎墻態度.
- The politician defected from his own party and joined the opposition.
- 這個政客叛離了自己的政黨而投向了反對黨一方.
- The politician was ousted from office by a vote from members of his own party.
- 那個政客被他自己黨內的成員投票表決趕下臺.
- Before the politician was halfway through his speech, the crowd cried him down.
- 這個政治家講了還不到一半, 聽眾便把他轟了下去.
- That politician is insatiable for power.
- 那個政客對權力貪得無厭.
- The politician thundered at the government's plans.
- 這個政客憤怒譴責政府的計劃.
- He was an inept politician.
- 他是個無能的政客.
- How many voters have lined up against the politician?
- 有多少選民反對那位政治家 呢 ?
- He has some leverage over the politician.
- 他對這位政界人士有些影響.
- A politician must be able to communicate.
- 政治家必須善于表達自己的觀點.
- The politician carried his hearers away with his speech.
- 那個政治家的演講感染了聽眾.
- The job of a politician is to serve the whole community.
- 政治家的職責是為全體大眾服務.
- This politician tried to cheat the people into the belief that he would work for public welfare.
- 這個政客想哄騙人們相信他是會為大眾謀福利的.
- Yesterday's riot broke out at the instigation of an unknown politician.
- 昨日的暴亂是由一個不知名的政客煽動起來的.
- The politician drew out his speech to almost two hours.
- 這位政治家拉拉雜雜講了近兩個小時.
- a politician who embodied the hopes of black youth
- 代表黑人青年希望的政治家
- She gave an equivocal answer, typical of a politician.
- 她的回答模棱兩可,是典型的政客做法。
- a politician who is unresponsive to the mood of the country
- 對國民情緒毫無反應的政客
- About 10 years ago, I went to a Q & A session with a prominent politician.
- 大約10年前,我和一名政界要人一起參加了一場問答節目。
- Clarke swung at his shadow the accusation that he was "a tabloid politician".
- 克拉克指責影子內閣中的對手是個“八卦政客”.
- As a politician Jefferson frequently lashed out at the press.
- 作為一個政治人物,杰斐遜常常抨擊新聞界。
- Officials said they had found no traces of violence on the body of the politician.
- 官員稱他們沒有在這位政治家的尸體上發現暴力侵犯的痕跡。
- It's almost unheard of in France for a top politician not to come from the social elite.
- 在法國,大牌政客非社會精英階層出身的幾乎聞所未聞。
- He worked the room like a politician, gripping hands, and slapping backs.
- 他又是握手,又是拍背,像個政客一樣把一屋子的人都籠絡了一番。
- Nobody that I spoke to doubted his sincerity as a politician.
- 和我談過話的人中沒有一個懷疑他作為一個政治家的誠意。
- The President now seems a more chastened and less confident politician than when he set out a week ago.
- 總統現在看起來是一個比一星期前剛就任時多了些歷練、少了些自信的政治家。