- n. 污染
- 污染物
- air/water pollution
- 空氣 / 水污染
- to reduce levels of environmental pollution
- 降低環境污染的程度
- beaches covered with pollution
- 穢物狼藉的海灘
- The fine was for the company's pollution of the air near its plants...
- 罰款是因該公司對廠房周邊空氣造成了污染。
- Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps.
- 對廢棄物的回收利用能夠減少對垃圾場的需求,從而也有助于控制環境污染。
- The level of pollution in the river was falling.
- 這條河中的污染物水平在下降。
- The problem of pollution arises along with the rapid development of industry.
- 隨著工業的迅速發展,產生了污染問題.
- Environmentalists say there is a high risk of pollution from the landfill site.
- 環境保護工作者說廢渣埋填地很可能造成污染.
- We must abate the noise pollution in our city.
- 我們必須消除我們城里的噪音污染.
- The speech is very suggestive.
- 這篇演說含義深遠.
- All pollution is simply an unused resource.
- 所有的污染只不過是一種未被利用的資源.
- Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution.
- 成千上萬的鮭魚和鱒魚的魚苗因污染而死亡.
- The men were clearing all the pollution off the shore.
- 人們在清除海灘上的污染物.
- Changes in the climate are due to pollution of the atmosphere.
- 由于對大氣層的污染而造成了氣候變化.
- The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife.
- 森林污染對植物有嚴重的影響, 對野生動物也有一定影響.
- The Act imposes more stringent regulations on atmospheric pollution.
- 法案對大氣污染作出更為嚴格的規定.
- There are many sources of air pollution ; exhaust fumes, for example.
- 空氣污染有許多來源, 例如廢氣.
- the accumulative effects of pollution
- 污染的累積效應
- Pollution can aggravate asthma.
- 污染會使氣喘加重。
- the environmental impact of pollution
- 污染對環境的影響
- the pollution of drinking water by untreated human excrement
- 未經處理的人體排泄物對飲用水的污染
- Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city's pollution is its population.
- 環境保護主義者說造成該城市污染問題的一個關鍵因素是其人口數量。
- The government is now bringing in laws to reduce air pollution. But, is it a case of too little, too late?
- 政府如今正引入法律以減少空氣污染。但這是否為時已晚了呢?
- The pollution could decimate the river's thriving population of kingfishers.
- 污染可能會造成河邊大量繁殖的翠鳥大批死亡。
- The pollution has already turned vast areas into a wasteland.
- 污染已經使大片地區淪為不毛之地。
- The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution.
- 政府本身幾乎不了解工業污染的程度。
- Discuss pollution with your child, emphasizing how nice a clean street, lawn, or park looks.
- 和孩子討論污染問題,強調清潔的街道、草地或公園有多么美麗。
- Indoor pollution falls into two categories, that which we can see or smell, and pollution which is invisible and produces no odour.
- 室內污染分為兩種:一種是我們能看得見或聞得著的,另一種是無色無味的。
- They say gas guzzlers are contributing to air pollution.
- 他們說高耗油汽車是造成空氣污染的原因之一。