- n. 樹干;軀干;象鼻;汽車車尾的行李箱
- vt. 把…放入旅行箱內
- adj. 干線的;軀干的;箱子的
- n. (Trunk)人名;(德、匈、西)特倫克
- ...the gnarled trunk of a birch tree.
- 白樺樹粗糙多瘤的樹干
- …toadstools growing on fallen tree trunks.
- 在倒下的樹干上長出的傘菌
- I wear these trunks because they have a streamline effect in the water.
- 我穿這條游泳褲因為它在水中有流線效果。
- That spare can of gas in the trunk was our ace in the hole.
- 后備箱里那罐剩余的汽油是我們最后的儲備.
- Her trunk reposed on the carpet.
- 她的旅行箱放在地毯上.
- In his room, Luca unlocked the trunk beneath the bed and took out a bulletproof vest.
- 路加在自己的房間里打開床底下的箱子,取出防彈衣.
- GSV trunk RF combined with high ligation of external vein and EVLT in 2 lower limbs.
- 大隱靜脈主干射頻閉鎖聯合外側畸形靜脈高位結扎和EVLT治療2條肢體.
- He strapped his trunk.
- 他用皮帶捆皮箱.
- Strong cloth lined the trunk.
- 這箱子用結實的布作襯里.
- There is a big protuberance on the trunk.
- 樹干上有個大包.
- There is a new trunk growing from the fallen dead tree.
- 從倒下的枯樹上長出一棵新樹干.
- The two trees have grown together to form a double trunk.
- 這兩棵樹已長合在一起,成了一棵連理樹.
- This tree has a thick trunk.
- 這棵樹很粗.
- The elephant's trunk is bigger than other animals '.
- 大象的鼻子比其他動物的大.
- He hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk.
- 他把一根樹干鑿成獨木舟.
- A trunk is extraordinary long!
- 象的鼻子特別的長!
- Rot in the tree trunk caused the tree to fall.
- 樹干的腐爛導致樹倒了.
- I can't squeeze another thing into my trunk.
- 我的衣箱里一樣東西也塞不進了.
- The boy could be seen with his legs wrapped around the trunk.
- 只見那男孩雙腿盤著樹干.
- Will this trunk hold all your clothes?
- 這箱子能盛下你所有的衣服 嗎 ?
- The roots transmit moisture and nutrient to the trunk and branches.
- 根將水分和養料輸送到干和枝.
- They are unpacking a trunk.
- 他們正在打開衣箱.
- The rabbit tires and falls, landing inside the hollow trunk of a sycamore tree, where he is trapped.
- 兔子掉到了一棵無花果樹的空樹干里, 怎么掙扎也出不去.
- Don't carry that heavy trunk, or you'll strain yourself.
- 箱子太沉,你別扛, 看努著.
- He slammed down the lid of a trunk.
- 他砰地一聲關上箱蓋.
- the diameter of a tree trunk
- 樹干的直徑
- I managed to heave the trunk down the stairs.
- 我用力把箱子弄下樓梯。
- The tree trunk was hollow inside.
- 這樹干里面是空的。
- ivy twining around a tree trunk
- 纏繞在樹干上的藤蔓